Wine and Stinky Cheese at Bedford Cheese
Heya Gastronauts!
What do the following words have in common?
Flinty. Dank. Lush. Sexy. Lactation. Ménage a Trois.
Ripe & Salty. Murky. Aged.
No, they aren’t all the great words in Trump’s leaked Russia travel diary… They’re the terms we’ve been throwing around to describe what you’ll be putting in your mouth this month. Still not sure what we’re up to?
Cheese! This month, we’re doing a take on that old favorite after work event: The Wine and Cheese Party. We’re doing it our way obviously. We’ve asked Bedford Cheese to assemble five of the stinkiest, loudest, most foul-mouthed cheeses we’ve and put together an evening of molten moldy stinky bites that will give your mouth Tourrette’s syndrome. You know, the kinds of cheeses they don’t allow on airplanes.
Not only that, we asked our stupendous sommelier, Doreen Winkler of Diamond Sommelier Services, to pair the little mold mounds with 5 little somethings liquid (and it won’t be just wine.)
You should probably dress in elegant after-work attire to make up for all foul language. And be sure to RSVP quickly to join us at Bedford Cheese in Manhattan on Irving Place, because the place is tiny.
Oh, and don’t forget to bring a breath mint if you have plans later.
Wine and Stinky Cheese at
Bedford Cheese
Appenzell, Switzerland
Alpine cheese Thermized cow milk
Greensboro Bend, Vermont
Washed cheese Raw cow milk
Beato de Tabara
Province of Zamora, Spain
Natural rind cheese Raw Goat milk
Isle of Mull Cheese
Isle of Mull, Scotland
Cheddar style cheese Raw cow milk
Picon Bejes
Tresviso Cantabria, Spain
Blue cheese Raw sheep, goat, and cow milk
All cheeses will be paired with something perfect and delicious to drink
Bedford Cheese
67 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003