A Dinner of Game, Guts, and Off Cuts at Public

Heya Nauts!

Spring is here! So dig out your airy party clothes and come with us for a night out on the town. This one is going to be memorable.

The way we figure it, you have two options this Tuesday: On the one hand, you could take the subway home after work, put on your frumpy sweatpants, reheat mac & cheese from yesterday, open a can of beer, and watch a rerun or seven of Game of Thrones, or whatever.

Or, you could shed the frumpy clothes, get dressed up, and meet us at Public in Soho — you know, that stylish Soho restaurant with a Michelin star where the chef, Brad Farmerie, has spent the better part of last month dreaming up an 6-amazing-course offal menu with which to dazzle you. You could walk in, whisper “Gastronauts,” and get yourself whisked off to a special table where you find yourself seated next to … who knows? While you figure it out, we’ll feed you, ply you with wine, and show you the best goddamn time and food you’ve had all frickin’ year. Take a look at that amazing menu. And, speaking of bingeing, the last time we were there the menu was more blood soaked than any Game of Thrones episode. That alone should be reason enough.



A Dinner of Game, Guts, and Off Cuts at


Crispy puffed beef tendon chicharròn
Black pudding pie
Beef heart tartare

with pine nuts, sesame, sumac, mint and caper butter toast 

Veal sweetbreads

with apple purèe, fava beans, mixed radish salad and sweet and sour sauce 

Rabbit agnolotti

with braised cockscombs, crispy chicken skin, pork ramen broth and egg yolk

Grilled New Zealand Venison

with pickled beets, currants, hibiscus, black garlic and cocoa nib granola.

Caramelized white chocolate tart

with peanut butter cream, banana and bacon

Lemon yuzu Sorbet

with radish dust

And lots and lots of wine


210 Elizabeth Street,
New York, NY 
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