Merhaba 'Nas!
Lí hó Nauts!
It’s been a rough few months for our Turkish friends. First, they protested their government in the streets and were greeted with tear gas and violence. Then, Syria’s problems threatened to spill over the border. Now they lost their bid to host the Olympics. But they’re a tough and great people.
And no one, and we mean no one, is tougher and greater than chef Orhan Yegen. Or thinks he is, anyways. “You do not know how to eat. I will teach you. I will show you how to eat. You must only listen,” Yegen instructed us, sitting on his Harley, parked in front of his temple to Turkish cuisine, Sip Sak. Oh, and the last time the Gastronauts partied there, Orhan broke out a scimitar to cut the Kokorec. Yes. A scimitar, for f***’s sake. “More wine for you, miss? Yes? Let me just put down my huge scimitar and pour you a glass.”
And show us how to eat he will. If you were lucky enough to eat there with us the last time Yegen put on his show for us, you’ll know what to expect: the best Turkish this side of the Oceans, in a gorgeous restaurant. For us Gastronauts, the Sultan of Sip Sak will fete us by serving up some amazing dishes like Turkish Kokorec (sweetbreads stuffed into Veal intestines) and for dessert — wait for it — Tavuk Göğsü, Chicken Pudding, which has all of our Turkish friends swooning, their eyes turning upwards, gazing towards heaven, temporarily unable to speak. It’s hard to make and rare to find.
So, come on Nauts, we know you missed us. Just admit it and take us back. We know we were gone for a while, but now we’re back and we still love you. So put on your finest end of the summer finery, guys look good, girls even better, and come out for a night of Post-Ottoman, Attatürk-style feasting.
A Dinner at
Sip Sak
Stuffed Mussels
with rice, caramelized onions, pine nuts, and raisins
Calf’s Brain
poached, with lemon and olive oil
Roasted Lamb Intestines Stuffed with Veal Sweetbreads
Dessert: Tavuk Göğsü
Chicken Breast Pudding
And lots and lots of beer and wine
Sip Sak
928 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10022
(212) 583-1900
Tuesday, September 17th, 2013, 7:30pm