An Uruguayan Dinner at Palo Santo


For the last dinner of this horrifying year, it’s only fitting to see it off around good friends. So we’ve been invited over by our pal Jacques at Palo Santo, for something we’ve never done before. This month’s dinner will feature food from Uruguay, a place you probably didn’t know had its own cuisine. (We thought it was pretty much only soccer players and legalized weed.)

Well, we happen to know a guy who knows a guy who’s an up and coming third-generation wine maker. Believe us, this South American country that will soon be known for their wines. And we’re not talking this shitty swill.

Plus, Jacques chef has been going there for decades, drinking and learning the ins and outs of cooking Uruguay’s amazing bloody offal specialties. But, really, mostly, drinking. Which this year, seems about right.

Anyway, to celebrate this dinner and nothing in particular, we wrote a bad limerick about our two hosts. Would you like to hear it? No? Great, here it goes:

A chef I know once upon a time,
met a wine-making Uruguayan,
and after many bottles of reds
the drunk chef served him sweetbreads
and sang “I sure like that You’re-a-guy-in-wine!”

Yes, we know that’s mierda. But we challenge you to do better. Best limerick about Uruguayan wine wins a bottle of the chef’s finest. Oh, it’s ON.


A Uruguayan Wine Dinner at

Palo Santo

Empanadas de Morcilla Dulce

weet blood sausage / nuts / dried fruit queso de cerdo

Boiled Pig Head Terrine

chicory salad

Asado Campesino

beef short ribs / veal sweetbreads / lamb intestines chimichurri / grilled onions / potatoes / roasted peppers

Crepas con Dulce de Leche

Paired with lots of Uruguayan wine



Palo Santo

652 Union St,
Brooklyn NY

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